The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

TEN THE DAILY RECORD. STROUDSBURG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Stroudsburg Faculty Trips Lehightou, 90-86 ert, Smith, Bjorii Lead Local BOB six ixjint surge in tlie last two minutes shot Stroud.sburg Faculty to a will pin-poinl Shawnoe Country Club for a long, time. Thi.s was made certain this week when Ron Ward, popular assistant golf professional at the Fred Waring layout on the Delaware and his mis.sus named their newest victory over pro studded rival E. Lehighton Faculty in an The IJK-ouncc baby vvas born the 30th of January, exhiliition basketliall game Ward has his own Foursome hofnm in thn "i Ronnie is presently at work a.s an assi.stant pro al the Ponce niohf de Leon Golf Club in St. Augunine, Fla.

He plans to return to Shawnee In the early Spring to resume duty with Harry Obitz ert Spree enabled the and buddies Dick Farley, Vince Yanovich and company. local to swing away from a dead- Bill Werner, a charter member of the Monroe Beagle Club, send the vi.sitor.S bought himself another dog, dovsqi to Hieir first Bill, one who all spare time a 111 I in two eai s. tween wrestling and picked up dog at Nazareth last week. the Werner hopes to have the newest addition in field work in the not too distant future. Mrs.

Claire Specht, of Mt. Pocono, has just completed a mile frip through the Southern states which enabled her to take in dog shows at Ft, Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Orlando. St. Petersburg, Tampa. Palm Beach and Miami, plus canine cla.ssics in North Carolina and Georgia.

Spex'ht, one of the top of miniature will guide in the world renown Kennel Show at Madison Square week. During her sojourn in the South, Mrs. Specht's eight-month- old miniature Schnauzer Jonaire Pocono Jay Wagon gained 12 scoring punch al the it was the relHMinding anil scoring of Walt Kjorn and push niarksnianship of Wilniont which kept Stroudshiirg in front al halftime and en abhMl them to match Ix-hlgh- (on down the streich. Wert and.Smith shared swring honors with 30 points each and were closely followed by Walt 2t. Koth High Siwer Game laurels, however, went to BJORN STARTS Bjorn, head football coach at Stroudsburg High begins shot which ended up two-pointer in Stroudsburg-Lehighton Faculty basketball game in Mountaineers gymnasium last night.

Surrounding Biorn Is brother Ken, (13) and Lehighton play- I ers Denny Roth (4) and Bill Smith (54). (Staff Photo by MacLeod); 2nd Division Hold InMSLRnce SfXCNT) division teairw, with on their minds, hold the key to the future of the front-runners as the Monroe enters the final stages of its championship race twlay. League-leading Tobyhanna Twp, fHces in and out on the floor in the biggest fray, while seeond- Pocono Twp. travels to to take on winless Polk. The third MSL setto finds third place Chestnuthill iiieeliiig owners of the fifth berth.

Barrett, at Tobyhanna leiuls the pack with a 11-1 record, by Pocono with hestnuthill, Coolbaugh, 6-6; Barrett, 2-9; and Polk, 0-11. Stroudsburg At Emmaus, Eastburg At Hellertown STKOUDSBURG and East Stroudsburg Highs basketball machines resume activity tonight but not on the home courts. The Mountaineers take on powerful Emmaus on the Hornets floor in a Lehigh Val- plus either Jeff Weicsel, Johnny Gilpin, Mike Mc.Mahon, Warren Loney, Leo Frailey or Paul Wismer. Tied For Top East Stroudsburg, fighting to stay in contention in the sec- ley League duel, vvhile the Cav- ond half L-N, will be seck- potnts toward her championship and a best of breed honor, while Denny Roth and I i I Smith. Jonaire Pocono Rollicking Rave received three at a major show with best of breed, best of winners and in the final terrier breed.

Jonaire Pocono Hitchin-Fost made three points by adding best of winners, and five reserve winners. Another Sehnauwr frtmi the Jonaire Kennels made history, winning top in the international category and running up 20 Several colleges and univer.sitles have been inquiring about Jim Kindrew, East Stroud.sburg history-making scorer. However, none of the have made a contact with the 6-3, blond Cavalier southpaw. Speaking of top-flight scorers, Ted William.s. one of Stroudsburg High's all-time court greats may wind up at either Muhlenberg or Penn State University.

Ted. presently at a military acaxlemy in North Carolina. may shun a tour of duty with North i aroilna I ni- versity to get hack to home of Penns.vlvaiiia. Williams, a protege of John Kupice when the latter was tutoring the Mountaineers, is a brother of Todd, one of the leading point-gptters for the current Stroudsburg High basketball machine. Ea.stem Professionul Ba.sketbull Ijeague players.

Roth grabbed high honors with 34, trailed by Smith! vvho netted .32. Stroudsburg opened up five to nine point gap.s in the first and bidore the visitors rallied to cut the margin to 42-40 at the intermission. 19 The sei-ond half go ahead (or the fir.s* lime midway in the third period. Here Stroudsburg picked up momentum again and tied the 10 times before pulling it out in the last minutes. KOI O.sitl K(, I oh I oii I Tot.

S-l)urg Girls Top Bangor For No. Seven STKOI DSIU KG girls varsity basketball team overcame a 6-1 first period deficit and then I went on to hand Bangor High's! lassies a 49-22 setback in the i JO 1 Mountettcs gymnasium last night. or or tUfnf Businessmen LunesWin YMCA Games I liGINci STUOCDSBl lOi Businessmen As.sociation and Colonial l.anos won games at the Stroudsburg YMCA last night. The Bu.sinessinen defeated Wyckoff-Sears, 60-43, in an Industrial League game, while Colonial outscored Pocono Gardens, 119-87, an Senior League contest, Kin.sley’.s 21, 12 Pocono Saab Club Elects alters face Hellertown In a Le- high-Norlhampton League skir- on the Panthers hardwoods. Stroudsburg, 0-1 in the second half in the LV, will be meeting the defending champions of the circuit in Emmaus.

The Green Hornets, however, lost the first half chase to Whtehall, and are out to gain a split in the league and set up a playoff with the Zephyrs later on. In a half duel between the two schools. Emmaus easily defeated the Mountaineers on the locals gymnasium. Mountaineer coach Bob Wirt will probably go vvith mainstays Tom Gross and Todd William.s, ing its third victory in its last four starts. The Cavaliers of Doug Schoonover are currently tied with three other schools for the top berth in the league, Hellertown, an in and out five all year and only formidable when ace scorer Joe Dulik hot, has lost two of its three starts this half.

However, on their home court, the Panthers are extremely tough to beat. Schoonover is expected to go with the leading scorer, Jim Kindrew, Bill Hillman, Doug Metzgar. Roland Gartner and either Alex Sydelnik, Ray Uhl, Johnny Hindman or John Viechnicki. Wall Trails At Phoenix PHOENIX. Aril.

CAP) Jerry Magee, 25-year-old Canadian, grabbed the first round lead in the $20,000 Phoenix Open Golf Tournament Thursday with a blistering 7-under-par 63. One stroke back was Joe Campbell of Knoxville, Tenn. John McMullin of Fair Oaks, came In with a 65 and at 66 was Tommy Jacobs of Whittier, a former Jaycee national champion. Art Wall of Pocono Manor, Daily Double, Parlay Pay Off TDUN. W.

Va. (AP couple of longsiwts bounced home (or an 1876.80 daily double Thursday at Charles Town, but a parlay on the first and second I races would have been worth $1,710. Jim Fields vvon tlie opener and p.tid for $2. Btxiwn vamo home in the second for a $95 mutucl payoff. If a bettor with a winning ticket on Jim Fields had put it all on Brown Betty it wounld paid almost twice the daily double return.

K. Tljorn I VVt-rt l.l Smith lijorn I Mt'tropoloiiN (I til I.KIIK.II roN It was the seventh triumph in I eight games for and its third win over an Fast Penn i Girls League entry. Share Honors Pri.scilla Stt'inhauer, Velitta 'I'ul- and Sandra Radlcr were the big scoring guns for the Mount- cttcs, tixik contest honors with 20, followed by Tut.son’s 16 and 12. Nancy Hchrig was the only hitting in the double figures as she meshed 14. hTHOl ll.sitl KG the leading money winner OllltS? far this year, had a 70.

A ne Ind. In TV Bout Tonijilil NEW YORK (AP) Eudcll Stitch, an unranked comer from Louisvdlle, Thursday was made an 8-5 favorite over si.xth ranked Gaspar Ortega (AP) George Yardley, who led the Basketball Aasn. in scoring year with points, said Thursday he and the Detroit Pi.stons are through mutual lioth vSmith PailklHT Vnri strdiolxtiurK I t.unU oftiriiiK: VVhalfit, I 111 Sul For Boro Vulioii (1 2 I ieltl i 0 0 1: Tot 1 1 1 i 10 St. 20 Ill Icon ft 4 Jft i F.v Titt 11 (Iter 5 2 12 2 1 rtlidi 00 0 2 2 iKirik 00 0 0 0 0 1 2 12 fMin 0 0 0 o0 22 i 1 li n0 0 2 II 00 1 ieUt 1 10 Mft 1 1 1 3 1 I 0 1 1 'Ml 1 0 2.3 i 00 1 ,1 ft ad mt 1 VI asters II 0 0 0 0 0 iiartU The 1959 American Bowling The w'elterweights in the Congress convention will be held television 10-rounder at Madi-jin St. Loui.s, March 20.

Forty- son Square Garden Friday start- nine amendments to the ABC ing at 10 p.m. con.stltution are on the agenda. TWIN Boro Ladies will hit the pin.s today at the PiK'ono Bowling Center, at 7 p.m. Alley.s one and two X- B. Amu.sem*nt v.s.

Machnicol's Shop. Alleys three and four Quick's Re.staurant vs. Shcrvvin Corp. Alleys ivnadf'f Alleys five and six Law.son Automotive vs. Johnnies Inn.

e.Mrvoii I Ciillllllin 7. Iiv Itatiiror tnaiir by iitif i)f 7 FoilU made tiv lij iht roiiilobiirK: ll.oiKor 11 1 t.y fl Slrinulnliuri; SiroiKlslmrkr. 11 fianifitr, ft npt of i I I 1 1 Hitfinls tirnf h. Vem'zin, Sara B.VNGOK I'rankie Butz goes after his 1009th jMtiiit as a Bangor High varsity player today when the Slaters meet Cttplay on the floor. who seoretl six points as a freshman, needs eight tonight for 1900.

He M'ored 2H7 a sophom*ore, 399 as a junior, and has eompiletl ,399 this year with six games left. The only other Slater ever to go over the 1,999 mark was Don Keat who tallietl markers during his tour at Bangor High. jiidy Bid! (iaiiis In (iolf PAI.M BLVtll, Fla. (AP) Judy Bell of Wichita, sank a 12-foot putt for a birdie two on fhe 20th hole Thursday up- belting Mrs. Alice O'Neal Dye of Indianapoli.s in the second round of the Golf Championship of Palm Beach.

In another iqiset, Roma Neundorf of Ttu'onto defeated Mis. Cudone of Caldwell. Hpblllls I I'orontn 6. Montreal .3 Chicago 2. Boston 1 New' York Detroit 0 ('ollejiiatp I5askelhall I St.

NY 8.5, Richmond 76. Bradley 86, Seattle 70 MIA Itcsiills New York 111 98 and 10 each hy Miller and Predmore paced the Business Men. Marean, with 14, Carson, with 13, and 11 hy Frishie headed the W'yckoff attack. 19 For Zimmerman A 40-point by Zimmerman guided Colonial Lane.s It) victory. Neese and Kelley, with 27 and 25 respectively, were the top for Pocono Gardens, J.VDI VVICKOI K-SKAKS I Vf.Trcrtn nllflce 'a r.siin iV.M'll.'t nshie I ItOHlt.

I Olds Tot. 0 ft I 0 PORTLAND Mt. ROY Seems was nominated and elected president of the newly organized Pocono Saab Club at a meeting at Baylor Motors Also elected to high posts Ackerman, were John Harl, vice Mrs. Dan Middaugh, secretary- treasurer; and Mrs. Tage Hellgren.

publicity chairman. Plans call for a meeting soon of the by-law committee Harl, Mrs, Middaugh and Seem.s. The club, one of many being formed all over the United States, will sports and recreational activities, and emphasizes the whole family, not just the owner of the car. Meet Monthly Meetings are planned once a month on either a Saturday Sunday, meciing places and date.s to he flexible. All Saab owners who did not attend the reorganization session are invited to take part in the nexi meeting, Sunday.

March 1, at 2 p.m. Slate Bell LL Ladies Fleet Aides Mr.s. Thelma Bethel, wa.s! elected president of the Slate! Belt Little League Ladies Aux-' iliary at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell Reimer, Port-1 land, this week. Other oflicer.s named were Mrs.

Mamie Parillo, Roseto, vice president; Mrs. Steven Saver, RD 1, Ml. Bethel, treasurer; Mrs, Jay Robert.s, Bangor, secretary; and Mrs. Ida Saponc, Ro.seto, as.sistant secretary. Mrs.

Ackerman accepted the appointment of the Slate Belt League to represent them at the Regional LL meeting in New York City Feb. 2728. Plans also were discu.ssed on projects proposed for the coming year. II 4.3 1 LS.S.N. 10 3rt 12 4 1(1 Lew ,3 ,3 mes 1 0 Iv msle 101 21 60 (Jiisdak (Juils S(' For Fill SCRWTON, John Chisdak.

fullback on Pcnn.sylva- nia's 1957 All-State Scholastic Football Team, said Thursday he Sta ilS To Face Moseotr Aivay srorf tiv 1 It l( iO 1.1 Utit'ialv; (OI.OMAl, I.WI-.S I 1 oiils To(. to 21 12 2 er 101 i it 1 T. 6 0 l-'islier 2 Martv 1 Beau6 3 2 0 Vlaciak 11 fornia and decided to transfer to the University of Pittsburgh. The cx-Scranton star, hoping to be a doctor orMentist, said he has registered at Pitt and will begin on Monday. have no feeling that I've made a wrong Clii.sdak feel I should have gone to Pitt in the first place, 1 know where I want to go The switch in schools will pre- 15 vent the 190-f)ound back from i ing football in the 1959 season, but he still has years of eligibi- 1 19 lity-1960-62.

rmONO lipid 1 Results Of Latest Bowling Matches In Area Twin Boro AP.riroo TV 7(M 7 ns 722 Shaw Insul. No. 2 72.3 7:55 hihald I'lumh. T.VS 77.5 Jacks Tftft NU7 Til 22M Havnos Tl'i 7 5 VFVV 2112 Shaw Inaul. No.

711 7.50 ftikS 21.54 747 735 22s5 Team hiph matrh Archibald rUitiihinp. 2317. iiiiih match Jack Marker Vt7, high match Krnic TranKiif. 537. Indtnduai liich aingle N.

Box- Ish. 214. IVjcono Bowling; Eiipirte VVorka Ileaecker'a I). 713 rift 2167 IN) 2227 Men Kophlcr'a Pincr Htue Inn Muransky a 7.54 721 731 632 2037 ft49 744 fM4 20.37 T.5S 753 22SO ArmttHpt a Bar 774 A Johnson 715 74N 740 2102 1, Shaw No. 1 Mkt.

No. 2 4.3 3 V' 2 ft VV U.a>nes 22 Team hiiih match Bar. 2,316 'I hiph aiiiple ArmilsKe's Bar. IruPvidiiMl hiph match 54 4. Individual hiph ainple Pete Casella.

Pocono Resort Individual Inph sinple i VV Pat Sf'hicikcr, 169, lia ma. 2(K). Team hiph autple 771. hiph triple Iitdivhinal hiph Pat Schleiker, HU! Stricklnnila Mt. Airy Colonial Ladies Frank Cmit.

Culiiinal Haiiv Piumtt, 1st Sriip Twin City B. A- Sons VV Mill.r Team hiph Bandi i-ap Ptnv 734 Ht 4 222 7 ivU) ,547 .551 2.52 ft 12 2 4.3 U'V. K. 701 7 4.5 21.30 21fts tVil 210 1017 mutch I rank Bar IS ft ,15 Trtitnpet Inti 14 10 itfiu 1311 Sthe F.rttriue .10 14 IMner. 9 15 -Vrker 2 evo Fulmt'r kinpdoin}<)wckl Biioker I VV omen VI en 22' I Team hi 'l'enni iW.i men I- 2.vftl Men 1 hit 1 Bllli.lec*.

1 lier- it .3 i Js ILuirie.r> 4L 1 itmlalinr- s. 0 I'obyliaiiiia Individual hiph hiph triple Depot alnplc Harrell l.adies 1 ainple I triple irk, Marauders, Marauilers. Mich 1 110 fi)7 iso IV. 1 11! Unrk; ilc.r 2-S .31 3SC 41 1.3'. .59 1 Xftft Footl kt.

572 .5.59 1S.52 Sunoco ftlMt Fases Hardvtare Tift Food Mkt. 71.3 ft.37ftii7 2017 1 iMittli ti: 12 012tllii 1sft.3! O'is' Manor 710 720 i i 12.3 27 Kellv 12 1 2-5 Maek ft 0 12 .....................5 1 l'eVVilt .33 11 I 87 ettmmitted hr lif 11 runde Colonial, 5 of IO. made hr(ia 9 out of by 1 4 'r. 1 nionial I.ROP* 11 33 36 36 119 I'oeonn 17 34 17 Hiph imlir N. II Mfl ilipll Hiph VI.I nor.

1 mple tripie Sim lew ift 172 Line (drls I I. fti: .501 57: i hi i 5.3 12 Indiviilnnl hiph sitiple (Women) Bori 203, t.Vlen»—G. Sta pp's. 2.5s Imlividipil hiph tc.dp...»»!. 513: (Men Staph ft2V 'leain liiplt Miip'ie and triple Gra.r I- rm-vrolot, and 2426.

VV. VV l.adie* I'reva htin, Home Mt Tour Clvde's So. .5 llou-e Harmoirs Recreation E. S. I.adies' League VV Bar TK'kels IvaM difl? fttts ft IP 1MKI ftOfi llixh VV omen Schoeh lUs-ecker mv Hallv 21 'IVam hipti sinple Frank The Contraetor, s-jn Inflividuai hiph Ityn- kellM'rper, 510.

Indivuinsi hiph ainple Hun- kelhcrp'er, 197 VV Twin Cit.y F5 i 1st Stiip. Nat Bank 7 Kafr, A 7 Setter Phimtor Frank. VV Her 1 tiner 4 12 vten VRDslilvill i.eague ImPiiP 764 Turn's Store 20.3,5 i .5 Falls 630 770 7.3« Alivgvi) Bushkill Falls 719 Ton 2177 A hittaker 7.34 72-3 2H6 If Place 790 213S Team hiph match Rick DePue, 2224. Tenm hiph H. M.

Plaee, Builder. 790. Men Indlriduai hiph match Albert Jim Sehm llowt 5.51. Areh Psilv JndividauU hiph Juator Whit Sehlieiker Fiaib S04. Quinn 10 9 S'; 6 72 sH 7.37 71 1 l.imlv'« TaviTu Twin TV K.

Vlardware Hotriek H.iirv Ct.ates BAC Harmon 7. Team hiph mateh burp 2''23, Ti am luph burp Hardware, nso Individnal hiph mat la. .564 ImlivnJual hiph sinple ta. 213. stand i nc 7S7 2111 2 sift ssp 2.52.'î 727 770 729 222ft -C Fa pie 7k2 772 222-3 Fast fiast Strouda Psrinel- C.irirse! ipt 1'iillV Smith Met 7 par 11 VV.

"it TV is 2 Uar'la 1 1 ft Limir's 'I'avern 12 162 B.v<' 11 Iiairy .5 1.5 ilarrnon 2 IS 1.52 1X1 Coiiiiiiercial HU 17k 170 169 Schaefer Beer S22 2.52 Bahe Ser, Sin. vso 2ft1 -pli mateh Bnnk. 2.321 'liaiii Buiek. 5. Imiividnal 1 Mobaot.

5 Imlividnnl In 211 Bar 11 Tavern High omen Sehm-h Birdie Rose Pat fall.v Kverett SchJeiker 160 157 147 144 1SS 161 175 Kapie's S22 S21 2(s1 LAB Appliances 767 ST9 93S 2.5*4 Te Saviors Inn 94 Frank's B. 876 SSS Team hiph Inn, Team htph Ibii, 946. Indiviifiia! htph I.oekwiti'h. 637. Individual hiph Lockwitch.

J4L match Te Saylors Baylors match Atipie Aupte oh lereltes Verna Son Ht Frey un Home hiph Indivi.l Schmidt. IN'. fmllvidual hiph Smith. IIS Team hiph slnpb 720 7'eam hiph series den. A.

Madden Terns Mss's Frey ob 7X5 232 i Too721 'I ea k'h matehCell! ipedes 71ft Te-im 1, ch ft; 15 ftJt 1 liitfli 1,1 tTN hurh siiik I i i' Miirdean 76'' 215 IX' 'stanilings VVeiehel VV L. VV llel niipe.les K5 9 1 10 lIHUl 1 F'. a nor 1 Kat ill.Is 12 12 11 17 le athrtl lie IllCh w. 1,. 1 6 Saih.n kl 1x5 Br 1X3 13 7 V.

1' illv IX! 9 11 Znhrod 172 12 .1, L. 2 720 Barrplt al ftftS I9ftk 1 ftOl f.97 606 VV. 1 1 .5.31 620 626ITTT Beinlinrdf .10 ft,'* hev, sink'! Gi\iii’,s IV rn nerli Snm I'Y XI, iitff 9 Term 1 La 5 11 1 F. (, Mad Ili)th Rar DnBr wr Sehoek 1 riiitna 176 1 I2U vh BrMire 9 11 Whil Sehieiker 172 i 9 15 170 I'Htiieip. Shellenberper.

Iliiili Stroud'-burg Junior High, headed hy Karl 17-point spree, downed nuthill Junior High, 40-29, yesterday. Hast burg went out to a 16-8 halftinie lead and then poured in 24 points in the second half to claim the verdict. Mosier was ChesinuthiU's best I scorer, coming in with L9. NEWF'Ol NDI.A.\D The Stag.s of Henry Arncberg, with three wins and two losses in conference action to date, travel to Moscow tonight for a return engagement with the southern divi.sion leaders. The GDS entry in the Wayne County Conference scored a thrilling overtime victory over Ariel Tue.sday night.

Leading in the seconds of the game by two point.s, GDS tied vvith 72-72 when Ray Quiepo, the are, made two foul shot.s. The Stags came through wiih 11 points to the two in the three- minute overtime period. The proceedings at Moscow will begin at 7:30 with the Little Stags facing jayvees. The Little Stags, undefeated this sea.son, downed junior varsity in an overtime period 32-29, when the latter visited Newfoundland. Hillers To Host Rocket.s, aiming to get hack to the .500 mark in the Tri County Basketball League, will entertain Sparta, N.J., in East Strout.sburg gymnasium, starling at 8 p.m.

The Rocket.s, featuring former local high are 5-6 on the year in the ba.sketball loop. Al (Colonial KNIGHTS OF Columbus matches will resume today at 7 p.m. at the Colonial Lanes. Alleys 11 and 12 Council v.s. Fraternal Activity.

,1 Alleys 13 and 14 Public LdHCIi vs. Member.ship In- Ariz. (AP) Jim La-1 surance. Bawling Highlights Recreation Twin Cify TV stretched their lead to four with a 4-0 win over Tavern. Videximen vvon each game by small amounts and won the total wood by only 24 pins.

High i for Twin City were Pete Ca.sella 560 and Ray with 1 515. Elmer Goucher 532 was the big gun for East Stroudsburg Hardware moved back into second place I with a 4-0 decision over De- I Dairy. The Hardware five were lead by Tom Carmel- I 213-564 and Bill I 209-546. Ray Pen.syl helped out with 501. Coates Board and Carton Co.

won a 3-1 verdict from Recreation and moved to within three points of third place. High for Coates: Ed Keiper with a 490 and Joe Chobey with a 488. Averages Ken Barnes, 176; Tom Carmella 173; Boa Riedniiller and Goucher, 171; Pele Casella and Wat! 168, and BUI Palmer, 167. (jHiiiiiercial Al Harmoirs I.eague will bowl at Harmon's Recreation, East Stroudsburg, today, at 9:15 p.m. Alleys 1 and 2 Trumatic vs.

Regina Hotel. Alleys 3 and 4 Inn vs. I.anterman's Funeral Home. Alleys 5 and 6 Kream-ee Ice Cream vs. Drug Store.

Hangnr B.lN’iiOR Bangor High's Lehigh Northampton Basketball entry, hits the highways today to Coplay to take on the in a regular league duel. Varsity game time is 8 p.m., and will he preceded by a junior varsity game, starling at 7 pm, CHARLES J. GORDON King East Stroudsburg FcUis May (iul Credit (AP) -nie Chicago White Sox and Oub concluded an ngreement Wednesday whereby spectators can buy tickets to games at Comiskey Park, Chicago, on credit. This vvas the first entry of the credit card system into major league baseball. l.e^ion Viixiliarv iUns I UAilO.V L.XDIES League ill bowl at the American Legion alley.s, East Stroud.sburg, al 7 and 9 p.m.

today. 7 alleys one and cjs v.s. Pin Ups; alleys three and vs. Four Ace.s. 9 alleys one and biids vs.

Rebels: alleys three and Owls v.s. Sputniks. rue. 34, backfield coach at i Souther Methodist, was ap-! pointed head football coach at the University of Arizona I Thursday. He succeeds Ed Doherty, who re.signed two weeks ago after two Alleys 15 and 16 Catholic Activity vs.

Youth Activity. Pop Gebbie Soys: sure to cheek bifore you get thov new tires. Me have your size. Get them now and he ready for the summer. We (ireen Ntomps everything for vour ear.

(iet all your ear plus SA 11 staiufHi at GEBBIE'S AtlonHc Ser. 134 Park Ave. Ph. 411 Stbg. ICE FISHERMAN LIVE BAIT TOR SALE Seotrun Live Balt Hatehery Kt.

fill. Seotrun, Pa. SINGLES HANDICAP TOURNAMENT Harmon's N. Courtiond St. Sunday, February 8lh For I.adies A 4 to Pair of Time 2:00, 3:30, 5:00,6:30,8:00,9:30 P.M.

Games 6 Entry Fee $2.00 per bowler Handicap 200 Scratch Highest League at end of First Half Separate Prize List for A Entry Call H. John DAVIS for Automatic Deliveries of new HEATING OIL Switch to premium-quality Esso Heating Oil with H04. This amazing new additive developed by Esso search makes Esso Heating Oil burning, assuring you top oil burner performance. This means you get tnors heat, and mors economical heat! Call today for our automatio delivery eervtce. o.a oc.

Phone: TErminal 9-5631.

The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.