The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE DAILY RECORD. STEOl'PSHHRO. PA TIH'RPDAY. TTTTRTFTFThT Sports Car Races On Ice Set To Open This Weekend Lutest Regional Bowling Results Legion Auxiliary Tuesday Legion Monday Legion HI.ON DIE I Imps Owls I Catbirds SPORTS CAR RACING in the Poconos begins its third sea son this Saturday, Sunday and is on ice at that! Nearly one hundred cars will vie for trophies at the opening events which will be hold on two different lakes. A Saturday's races will be held Ida-I 402 tit* Kiwi rtc 503 528 559 1590 Market 490 442 4SI 'Sanitary l.inen 451 472 453 Cnif 534 513 1545 Waring Knti-r.

476 503 477 147)6' Monroe Music 715 I 821 7-V5 2352 Write ln C. S7.1 775 849 24 Su 783 768 238o Atlantic 733 721 747 2204 not 738 2100 Penn 1 Lehigh Vulicv Stags Host DVIn Final Exhibition NEWFOIJNULAN Valley is the target for the Stage of llenry Arneberg tomorrow when the (ireene-I)reher-Sterling quintet plays its final exhibition game before the opening of the 1959 southern division, Wayne County Conference, play on January 13. Th- Stags will host Delaware Valley beginning at 7:30 p. m. with a jayvee game.

Conference action for the GPS starts with a horn 'tame n'ght xv'h rioscow. 422 522 505 4.50 553 470 1473 Four Nite Hiphlibhts on Mt. Springs Lake in Reeders, while Sunday opens the Winter season on the now famous Naomi Lake Grand Circuit, in Pocono Pines. Separate Races Four separate races will be held each day iricluding a ladies race and a twenty-five lap feature wiwth. a start.

The Mt, Springs course is l'i miles around and Naomi circuit is two miles. Speeds of over 110 miles an hour have been attained with average speeds around the circuit nearing 65. Both lakes are within one hundred miles from either New York or Philadelphia. Every Week-end The ice races will continue every weekend as long as the weather permits. They are under the direction of Miller and Tage Hellgren of Ice Racing Enterprises' Sports Car Club, Pocono Pines, Pa.

The reserve police of Monroe County will patrol the area in the interest of safety. Local drivers entered are Don KlVn Holmgren, Stroudsburg. Austin- Healey; Nancy Smith, Stroudsburg, Triumph; Bill Powlett, Mt. Pocono, Saab. Tram high match 15181.

Tram high singly Imps. .559 Individual hieb match Esther Emanuel. .552 Individual high simrh1 Esther Emanuel. 203. FIRST HAM SIAMUXtiS ....19 Train high Team high single Individual hisrh Emanuel, 203.

Individual high match Emanuel, 552 Pocono Major L. 1243 17 33 20 31 ts 19 i 2 1 i 31 oh Itebx'ls, 579 1632. Ir st her Slatefnr.l Hotel Kitty's Tavern 777 719 Gulf 780 763 713 lllue Mt, Golf C. 7.54 713 2227 702 723 740 2165 834 80.1 8,36 2473 739 798 719 2256 820 739 243! 717 70S 724 2149 751 743 851 2345 704 711 Team high match Sanitary Finen, 2 464 Tearn high single Sanitary Lin en. Individual high match Rodee Keiner.

5)31, Individual high single Bob Banks. 204 Stand I Market Kitty's Tavern Slatefurd Hotel Sani ta Unen Ser fas.s Gulf Monroe Music Smelt r. Electric Waring L. S. Church League XV.

1, 12 4 11 ft ...11 ft fi 7 5 11 t12 4 12 Individua! high single Rei sen 231. Individual high Rei sen vx 567. Team high single Remi lull Dairy. .872. Team high triple Sam's Sunoco.

2473. XV. L. 1 Svrfiiss Gulf ,.10 2 Ham's Sunm it 3 i'airv 4 Johnny's Atlantic ft 7 Ulne Mt Gulf 8 Urite Itrive In tl. 3 9 Lehigh Valiev Jislrv 3 9 Esther i Non-1 lenonis I Sthg.

Furnace Fa Gulf Market Lawson Auto. Dairy Sthg. Typewriter Swisher Di-t. Roeono Rump Co. Team high match kct, Team higli single ket.

2553. Individual 85.1 1,8 826 2125 770 2359 sol 875 877 719 733 -832 833 Sftl 2544 Holv Name Methodists St. Lutherans Individual high Barnes, 221. individuai high Barnes. 597 Team high single 762 78.5 2211 Too 722 761 2183 RIO 895 852 25.57 742 811 2472 Colonial Ladies Charles Frank Col, Diner 616 53; 458 51 Hand! Tot can 559 1689 132 16.89 760 813 796 774 791 803 2407 First NrL B.

590 '97 Twin Citv B. S. 599 Individual lien, high high 791 791 2435 777 812 751 Nchol's Mar- single Dick match Dick Line Material a tu itigli nui tel; si.ii-dings single Ken match Ken Hole Name. Holy Name. Miller roc.

C. Setzer Daily Ree Sons 197 542 521 559 500 ,49 570 560 561 1873 18,53 11 1681 71 1681 1 i 11 Bod XV. Holv Name 9 3 St. 8 4 Mt 1.mlist 7 ft Lutherans ft 4 1 tons3 9 team sitigli Shop. High team triple Bank.

1873. High individual single shall. 172. High individual triple agnn. 420.

St Twin Gitx First National B. Mar- L. Flan Mountaineers Ladies Tlii Grade Loop For Eastbiirg Kast Stroudsburg liurHi HOLY NAME went into first place as they eeked out a 3-1 win over the Methodists, first half champs. High men for Holy Name were Ken Barnes, a SEVENTH grade basketball 218, Bob Riedmiller, league will be formed in East and Joe Fleming, 504. Stroudsburg Saturday, East High for the Methodists were: Stroudsburg High coach Doug Bill Fry, 217 552, Dick Fabel, Schoonover announced.

i Grasshoppers I Crickets 529 1753 i Gilpin's 539 538 610 1707 I Horn of Plenty 539 518 530 1617 463 556 559 1578 match single 507, and Russ Dennis 506. The new circuit, under the burg Junior gymnasium initial play will get wishing to take part in this i Store Winona 5 Falis Lutherans knocked St. Mat- sponsorship of the Varsity out of first place with a club of East Stroudsburg, will 3-1 win. High for Lutherans play its games at East Strouds- were Jesse E. Kuip with a 576, and Cliff Kintner, 507.

Bill Andrews with a 536 and Ken under way at 9:30 p. Fetherman with a 508 were high for St. Presbyterians moved up a po- league are invited to attend. Eltion to fifth place with a 3-1 win over the Non-Denoms. Ross Howe led the Presbyterians with a 519.

A1 Luckey had a for the cellar-dwellers. Averages Ai Luckey, 186; Dick Fabei, 184; Ken Barnes, 183; Russ Dennis 182; Bill Flry, 179; Ken Fetherman, 174; Bob Riedmiller. 171; Jesse E. Kulp and Nelson Cramer, 170. Team high 1753.

Team high 612. Individual high match ner. 425 Individual high single ner. 165. Centerpedes Crickets Grnsshop- Grasshop- Fcn- 11.

EVn- XX .1, 2 4 4 3 ft 3 5 Bushkill League Asher Whittaker. Rick DeRue XV. 3 1 1 2 1 3 13 Television Programs Rushkill League Five bowlers had matches over 500. They were paced by Lou Lee with a single of 213 and a series of 589. Til Courtright had 521.

Chet Strunk had his best, match of the year with 505, Gene Whittaker had 505 and Paul Miller 507. Commercial Several bowlers began the half In grand style. Ken Barnes was high with 588. followed by John Yallerschamp 552, Lou 550 and Jerry Dor- fiinger 544. Elwood Ace came up with a nice singleton of 220.

NEW YORK CHANNELS 4 Acjui Se Hahla Inglea 2 Prayer; news 0 2 Sunrise Semester 4 Continental 7 4 Todav, Dave Gnrrouay 7.30— 2 Morning Report 7 8.00— 2 Captain Kangaroo 5 7 Time for Fun 8.30— 5 Sandy Becker 7 Beulah 8 2 2 4 Hi Mem 7 9.30— 2 My Little 7 Feature Film 9.50—11 K.du* stionai TV to Spanish, 1 6 2 For or Money 4 Dough-Rn-Mi 5 Feature Film Mathetusii' Grade 2 Arthur Godfrev 4 Treasure Hunt 7 Memory Lane 11.00— 2 I Love Luvv 4 The Price Is Right 7 I Married Joan 11 Science, Kindergarten Through Grade 2 English. Grade 12 LI 2 Top Dollar 4 Concentration 5 Romper Room 7 Peter Lind Hayei 12 2 Love of Life 4 Tic Doueh ft ltomper Room 7 Peter Lind Hayea 11 TV Education to ft pm Our Northern Neighbor Pocono Major It appears that a weeks vacation did the bowlers more harm 2 then good as scores were lower than usual this past week. There were only 6 200 games rolled 4 It Could Be You 5 Cartoons 7 Play Your Hunch 9 Playhouse 2 The Guiding Light out of a possible 120 and only i 2 News 17 out of 40 bowlers reached the 500 mark. Al Andress lead the league with his 560 match and his other two games were very low and ended up with only 503 total. Other good scores were rolled by Sherwood Roberts Frank Laise 201 554, Stan Konawaiik 554, Mel Dunn 547, and Don Metzgar 539.

1 1 25 30 2 00 County keglcrs To lion I Today BOWLERS in Monroe County League will resume ac-j lion today at Recreation. East Stroudsburg, starting at 9:15 p. m. Alleys one and two Gem Lunch vs. Harmon's Recreation, Alleys three and four Al Be- Diner vs.

CLU Club. Alleys five and Court land Restaurant vs. Jim Diner. Monroe Classic Set Tor Dulv MONROE Classic League will hit Ihe pins al Recreation, East Stroudsburg, today at 7 p. m.

Alleys one and two Bill Altiers vs. East Stroudsburg Bev-; erage Co. Alleys three and four D. Katz and Sons vs. Square Bar.

Alleys five and six Eagles vs. Al Besecker's Diner. Stroud Ladies Sri For Action STROrns Ladies League will hit the pins today at the Colonial Lanes, starting at 7 m. Alleys 9 and 10 Wyckoff- Sears vs. Smith's Fashions.

Alleys 11 and C. Frantz vs. Backman Oil. Alleys 13 and 14 Melvin Marley vs. George's Shoes.

Alleys 15 and 16 General Flooring vs. Penn-Dell. 4 Dr. 5 Bviinc. Monty Hall 7 Liberate It Err School Education 13 Film 2 dfir Miss 4 News 2 As the World 4 Drama 5 Film 7 Memory Lane 9 Film 11 World Geography 2 J1 mmv Dean 4 Truth or 7 Day in Courts 11 American Historv 2.30— 2 Mouse Rarfr 4 Haggis 7 Music Bingo Young Book Reviews 13 John Nesbitt Theater 3 mt 2 Big Payoff 1 Young Dr Malone 5 TV Digest 7 Meat Clock 9 Favorite storv 11 Language 13 Fannie Htirst 3.30 2 Verdict I- Yours 1 From 5 and the 81orv 7 Who Do Vou Trust? 9 Film 2 Brighter 4 Otieen for a I'nv 5 Fairbanks 7 Bandstand 11 iem for Ktemantary 13 Junior Town 2 Secret Si or 2 Edge of Night 4 Count air 5 Mr.

Distrh Attorney 11 Spotlight on Youth -13 Magic Clown ife of Riley 4 Film 5 Big Beat 9 Looney Tunes 11 Abbott and Costello 13 Film 2 Film 7 Adventure Time 9 Film 11 Three 8.00— ft Bugs Bunny 7 I ittle 11 Sailor 13 of Sherwood Forest 4 ocal woathrr ft Cartoons and 7 1 Married Josn 11 Huckleberry Hound 13 Jungle 6 4 7 2 weather 4 Warning ft Sheriff of 7 Tugboat Annie 9 Terr.vtoou Circua 11 News 13 '1 he in Africa 7 -11 News: weather 7 2 7.30— 2 1 Love ucy 4 JefTeraon I of Iron-' 5 White Hunter 7 eave It to Beaver 9 Film 11 Amoa 'n' Andy 13 John Nesbitt Theater 2 itecernber Bride 4 Steve 5 Usv Mi 7 Zorro, The 11 This Is Alice 13 Film 8 2 Yancy Derringer 4 1 1 30- 1 i.V 5 30 Rtic kv it. A TV L. 11. Boat Si r. Individual higli Joyce Schoch.

673 1918 677 662 657 681 713 795 2099 single and series ani 495 Team high single and series Horn of Plenty Gilpin's l'linrmscv kvs Radio A TV 2159 XV. 4 4 0 (1 4 04 diaries Frank 13 17 Twin Miller's Grocery 37 23 Sftzer 33'i 261 Katz A Hoim 31 29 First Htlig. N. B. 27 33 Daily Record 4 1 Colonial Diner 15 45 Commercial k( XX 1, Krcam-ee Cream 4 0 D.

8 1 Regina Hotel 3 1 Trumatic 13 Mosier's Inn 1 3 I.antermau'.« Furt. 4 Today's Radio Program PO C. 4 It Could Be You 5 Douglas Fairbanks Theater 7 The Real 11 Honeymooners 2 Zane Grey Tlicater. of Hie 4 Behind Closed Doors, From Ma rdenbur" ft Wrestling 7 I Boone, Alfred Drake 9.30—2 Playhouse 90. Wings of the 4 Ernie Ford 7 Rough Riders, 9 This Is Alice 11 How to Marry a Millionaire 13 Danger Is Mr Business 4 Uroucho Marx 7 Damon Runyon Theater.

Job for ttie 11 a Great Life 13 High Road to Danger 4 Masquerade Party 7 News; weather 9 Film 11 Mr. and Exe 13 Film 7 Ben Ileeht 2 News; weather: sporta 4 News, weather 5 Film It News 13 To Announce 2 Film 4 Jack Paar 7 Film 11 Film 9 News; weather; film shorts 13 Film I 2 Film RH II. ADEI.RH IA II ANNF.LS 6 3o 3 Continental Classroom 10 Bill Beuneit 3 Today 10 News 3 6 Happy the Clown 7 Cartoons 6 Breakfast Time Captain Kangaroo 3 Big 6 I ntvprsitv the Air 10 Room 9 Cinderella Weekend 9 6 MrhoidhoUKc 3 I Re-XI1 6 Movie Time 10 For Love or Money 3 Treasure Hunt 10 Arthur Godfrey 3 The Price Is Right 6 Who Do You Trust? 10 I Love Lucy II 30 3 Concentration 6 Peter Lind ilayca lu Top Dollar 12.00— 3 Tic Ta Dough 10 Love of l.ife 3 It Could Be You fi Play Your Hunch 10 Search for Tomorrow 12 i.V Guiding I glit 1 3 Feature Film 6 Li 10 News 1 For Homemakers 6 10 As the World 1 6 Drama 2.UO— 3 Truth or Consx-queneca Day In Court 10 Jimmy Dean 2.30— 3 Haggia Haggis Bingo 10 House Party 3 00 3 Young Mr Malone Beat the Clock lo Big Payoff 3 3 4 rom These Roots 6 Bandstand 10 Verdict Is 4.00— 3 Queen for a Day 10 Brighter Day Beeret Storm 3 County Fair 10 Edge of Night Adventures in Sherwood Forest 10 Life of Riley 5.30— 3 superman 6 Mickey Mouse Club 10 Feature Film 6 00 3 Honeymuonera Popeye 10 Feature Film 3 Pulse the News 7 00 3 State rooper 6 Newsreel; weather 10 weather; 7 6. 10 New 3 Jefferson Drum 6 Leave It To Beaver 10 I Love Lucy 8 3 Steve Cauvim Zorro 10 December Bride 8 3 It Could Yon 6 Real 10 Yancy Derringer 9 3 Behind Closed Door 6 Rat Boone Zane Grev Theater 9 3 Frnie 4 ord 6 Hough Riders 10 Playhouse 90 3 Uroucho Mari 6 Man Without a Gun 3 Masquerade Party 6 Newsreel: weather 6 News 3 News; weather 6 Feature to 10 News; weather; tl 3 Jack 10 Feature Film Late Show 1 3 ove and Marriage 3 3.00— 6 Ail Night A M. 7:30 Taylor 7 8 00 Percy Crawford 8:30 News 8:35 Ta.x lor 9:00 9:05 Morning Notebook! 1 4 Mid-Day 9 4 Movietime P.M.

9:13 Hospital 1 Three Star F.vtra 9:20 Morning :30 Sports Lineup 9:30 Design for Living Movietime 9:15 Wyrkoff Shopper 12:85 Piano Moods 1 1 04 12:50 I arm 10:05 House Partv :00 10:30 The Sally I errebee 1:05 Bangor Show Show 1:30 In Music 11:00 2:00 11:05 Mnnt Ads of the 2:05 hit) 810 Air 3:00 11:20 Melodies 3:05 lui) 810 11:30 Highway Safetx 1:00 Melodies 4:05 Hunt of Air 15 hit) 810 4:29 tu lr( i me 1 :30 ('Iflb 8 tO 4 :30 Air 4:53 New ft (HI Off FOAM RUBBER, INNERSPRING MATTRESSES BEDROOM FURNITURE HOLLYWOOD BEDS REUPHOLSTERY WORK STROUDSBURG BEDDING 437 Alain Street Phone 969 COURTLAND 429 N. St. BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTING CO. Ph. 3266 E.

Stroudsburq A AT ZAOCARO OLD DI TCH BEER HE1NKKEVS Imported Holland Beer A.M. RCA 4 47 Ai OR 7 0 4M TT HOW VC WOk I 80 3 l0i0k 4M i FM 43 Im PROORAMS MC hna-- ihem.n hemtsMj US lohn8 9 30 lohn 9 45 1 CambiT.g. tanfi Cut. Don Mrke. ito tto vr.etjr Hoof: Concerto Nc 4 8ech Sertnidl 0 You 1 1m Ness 10 00 My Rut jNess with 10 30 tdHenrj, Petit Beiitvt th Mirtin 55 Il 00 Sia 8 8C.

11.15 1130 1145 News Rohmson ito it Tto Spoken Words 1 55 ness TfdBnwn Snow Ht muiff. 9 OiW'nt jiffy Mimu Record Hoom 10 55 Jerry Recon) -niVv! Delco Low Conversion Oil Burner Unih H. L. CLEVELAND! 5 Crystal St. Ph 1049 E.

ree Given KNIPE'S RADIO HI-FI TV 18 No. 6th St. Phone S282-J Stroudsburg, Pa RCA COLOR TV $495. up RCA Black White TV $199.95 up Radios Record Hi-Fi Stero TV Stem Alonaural Tapes Ampex VVebcor RCA Victor AI Tape Her of 1:15 pergxv 12 311 12 45 155. smb i Tijry Mr wi Sun.

Sooft lot it cont'WM Tin Piattiti, I 1 M. Her f. Wssmb MwImBlock, bost ftWtritkS 45 2 OS Nan Hu; L.f# 215' 2 33 M.m fymif D- 3 00 Sur 3 IS 3 36 Sranin Heim ivos 3 45 Ymnt i LI 4 BO Sen 'i -L host el pop. a 4 muse, 5 00 weather 515' 5 In Smith In '2 'i veerta Stow tom Ann. Joto Shi mutt Sxmtfxto) UfVij toy Cotf 55.nnn Artist.

I frjmjjioy Bich WeaTtxe- About Boofcs Doer Ckake tl Dun 7 tom of Ktde York, ft muse, 4 55 tom. JptoScob. Shiffwtt, ftakc York, )or Coy, 55. Slocks tom Cntg'l Waiter muw 455 from tto Itoiter Me I'd tto Armed hem Mi'Uu Poore, Heitn cort'yjed Door 55 Oar i. Strttu 1 YoyOg Dr ml" Second Burton.

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Stroudsburg 100 Nem, A ten 115 Nem Ws: Street Nem, 30 News Up to 145 fhtee Stir fitti Sty 7 OS BoC TuRon ts st 7 30 M-'jr Nem Proffjm 7 45 Shirkutt, contarne New, John Sports huWtoss EdwwdP Mc-'tin Aiar. freed 7 55, news Young Attests Vets New Rev Weither Mistffvttk Hour Brandttourg Concerto No 4 Se e'we 0 A 55 sew New A Jickton Sports, BoC Cooke Ieonard lowed Amos Andv Must Answer TSwrd on pi! Nyt Stow Your of tto Week, Peter 6.55, Oatehto N. V. Your Hits el tto 7 55 BetektoN I News gto, to. I'5 Water.

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The Pocono Record from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.