Jun 30, 2023
Jay Peters
The Reddit app-pocalyse is here: Apollo, Sync, and BaconReader go dark
Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge
After a month of outrage, protests, and unrest from the community, Reddit has finally flipped the switch to shut down some third-party apps.
Apollo, an iOS app that became a rallying point for the recent protests against Reddit’s imminent API pricing, no longer loads any content from the platform. When I open it up, all I see is a spinning wheel. Developer Christian Selig confirmed to me that Reddit is the one that turned things off, not him: “would have been nice to have been given a time,” he says in an email to The Verge.
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Dec 6, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit’s recaps for 2023 are available now.
You can see your personal recap by tapping or clicking the banana icon at the top of the app while logged in (though it doesn’t seem to show up on the Old Reddit desktop interface for me).
This year, Reddit has added “Community Recaps,” which “highlight the top posts, comments, and visitors unique to the subreddit,” according to a post from Reddit.
In Reddit’s all-up 2023 recap, there was no direct mention of this year’s user outcry. However, the company did reference John Oliver, who some subreddits featured in protest, as “surely the only man who can make an API update sexy.”
Sep 5, 2023
Wes Davis
Reddit’s replacement mods may be putting its communities at risk
Image by Alex Castro / The Verge
Reddit’s moderator purge could have real impacts on reliability and information safety as it rushes to replace mods with inexperienced, poorly vetted volunteers, according to Ars Technica. With testimony by both expelled former moderators and some of those who replaced them, Ars Technica’s report shows the trouble with the company’s push to quickly replace the mods who sent their subreddits dark, marked them NSFW, or turned them into jokey John Oliver fan forums earlier this year.
Reddit began removing protesting moderators in June and said it would continue doing so
until morale improvesunless subreddits opened back up. Since then, Reddit has been trying to replace those it’s expelled.Read Article >
Aug 24, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit announced some new ways it will be supporting mods.
It’s adding a “Mod Helper Program,” trophies and flair for users in r/ModSupport, an answer bot to help mods find Help Center articles, and a forthcoming merger of the platform’s Mod Help Center and the main Help Center. Some mods haven’t been particularly happy with Reddit as of late, so efforts like this and its mod roadshows could help Reddit regain some trust.
Aug 23, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit shared the schedule for its mod roadshows.
They’ll be taking place through the rest of the year. There will also be a virtual Global Mod Summit on December 2nd. Reddit has had a rocky relationship with some mods because of the recent protests, so perhaps these events will help thaw some of that ice.
Reddit had announced a loose schedule for the roadshows in July. At the time, it also invited people to participate in an accessibility feedback group, though moderators of r/Blind said last week they won’t be joining it.
Aug 21, 2023
Jay Peters
A new third-party Reddit app for iOS is now in public beta.
The developer of Narwhal 2 is now in beta, and you can read more about it on the r/Apple subreddit and sign up for the beta on the app’s website. Like some other third-party apps, Narwhal 2 will have subscription tiers at some point down the line.
Aug 17, 2023
Jay Peters
One surviving Reddit app plans to charge based on how much you use it
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge
The developer Relay for Reddit, of one of the remaining third-party Reddit apps for Android, detailed the potential prices for planned subscriptions for the app in a new post on Thursday. The costs of a subscription will go up based on a user’s daily average number of API calls, essentially meaning that the more things a person does in the app, the more they might have to pay.
In July, Reddit officially transitioned from a free API to one with costs depending on usage, meaning that some developers would have to pay the company for accessing Reddit’s data for their apps. The change forced many popular apps to shut down, but a handful of developers, including the one who makes Relay for Reddit, said they might be able to continue making their apps if they charged a monthly fee.
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Aug 3, 2023
Jay Peters
Three big Reddit communities are no longer focused on John Oliver
Photo by Arturo Holmes / Getty Images
Three of Reddit’s biggest communities are no longer focused entirely on John Oliver in a form of protest against Reddit. The subreddits had made the switch in June to push back on Reddit’s API pricing that ultimately made some popular third-party apps shut down, but now, they’re operating pretty much as they did before the protests.
One of the subreddits, r/aww (which has more than 34 million subscribers), posted a long explanation for the change. While the r/aww community did vote “overwhelmingly” for the John Oliver rule, “it was never intended to be permanent,” a moderator wrote in the post, which was published earlier this week. “More than a month has passed, and as things on the internet go, the passion for the protest has waned and people’s attention has shifted to other things.”
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See AlsoA timeline of the Menendez brothers’ murder case and the push to reexamine it | CNNReddit blackout: why the protests are still going – and what happens nextThousands of Reddit communities go dark to protest company’s controversial new policy | CNN BusinessThe ongoing and increasingly weird Reddit blackout, explainedAug 2, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit is closing r/Place ‘until we meet again’
Image: Reddit
Reddit no longer allows posts or comments on the r/Place subreddit, according to a post from a Reddit admin (employee). The company hosted the third iteration of the collaborative art project, which let users place individual pixels on a giant canvas, over the course of a few days in July.
While you can’t post or comment in the subreddit, you can still view posts and comments. A pinned post at the top of the subreddit, for example, features images of the final canvas before users posted white pixels to essentially erase everything. That post also links to a time lapse where you can see users banding together to write a very large message protesting CEO Steve Huffman in the waning moments of the r/Place project.
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Jul 30, 2023
Jacob Kastrenakes
Keybase seems to be running into Reddit API issues.
The identity verification service no longer seems to be able to verify identities on Reddit —at least, not for me and a handful of others who have tweeted about it. I’m guessing this is because of Reddit’s change to start charging for API access.
On the other hand, it could be because Zoom, which bought Keybase in 2020, seems to have mostly stopped updating the service. On iOS, it’s only gotten a single bug fix in the past year.
Jul 27, 2023
Jay Peters
Here’s how to watch the evolution of Reddit’s r/Place canvas — including its protest art
Reddit wrapped up its 2023 r/Place collaborative canvas on Tuesday, but if you missed it while it was happening or want to relive the evolution of the artwork, there’s a few ways to look back on the project.
If you just want to take it all in as it happened, I’d recommend watching Reddit’s official r/Place 2023 timelapse, which I’ve also embedded at the top of this post. The coordination on display is impressive. While the project was going on, users would be able to place one individual pixel every few minutes, so to do any sort of complex artwork, groups of people across Reddit would have to work together to bring their designs to life. If you want to look at the evolution of r/Place more granularly, you can scrub through the canvas’ history from the subreddit itself. (Note that you’ll need to be on New Reddit or one of the company’s mobile apps to do so.)
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Jul 26, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit is testing ‘official’ labels for profiles and making parts of its app compatible with screen readers
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge
Reddit is starting to test a new “Official” label that will make it easier to spot if an account is authentic. The new label will appear sitewide, meaning that it won’t be up to the moderators of individual subreddits to have to verify specific accounts.
“Starting today, we’re beginning early testing of placing a visual indicator on certain profiles to provide proof of authenticity, reduce impersonation, and increase transparency across the platform,” a Reddit admin (employee) wrote in a post. “This is currently only available to a *very* small (double-digit) number of profiles belonging to organizations with whom we already have existing relationships, and who are interested in engaging with redditors and communities on our platform.”
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Jul 25, 2023
Jay Peters
r/Place users are leaving one final message.
The collective project is ending soon, and users can only write in white, but they’re working on one last piece of protest art to send r/Place off. (Smaller versions of the message have been dropped in throughout the multi-day event.)
We’ve captured the final moments of r/Place in the gallery below.
GIF by Umar Shakir / The Verge
Jul 25, 2023
Jay Peters
The r/Blind moderators shared an update on how things are going with Reddit.
There are some positive updates — including the creation of a new email address to report accessibility issues — but overall, the moderation team still seems very dissatisfied. r/Place, for example, is “not blind, low-vision or even keyboard accessible.”
Jul 24, 2023
Jay Peters
The old Reddit app logo is back on iOS.
Recently, all of Reddit’s free iOS app icons were ugly — the default became a pixelated version of the usual logo seemingly to promote r/Place — but as of a new iOS update available Monday, the app icon is back to its usual, non-pixelated look.
On a perhaps related note, Reddit said Monday that its latest r/Place expansion would be the last one, so the collaborative art project might be wrapping up soon.
Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now
Jay Peters
Jul 24, 2023
Jay Peters
Let’s check in on r/Place.
Reddit has expanded the collaborative canvas multiple times since it first launched on Thursday, and while a lot of the protest art and messages have been largely buried amongst the many other designs, users are making a renewed push on a new section with a giant message cursing CEO Steve Huffman. “Targeted hate and harassment” are against the canvas rules, so I’m guessing the new message might not stay up for very long.
There is some legitimately awesome art on this year’s board, including an impressive recreation of the classic Charizard Pokémon card.
Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge
Jul 24, 2023
Wes Davis
A Clippy Reddit alien: the adorable Thing That Should Not Be.
Apollo app developer Christian Selig dropped new wallpaper art of a cute hybrid of Clippy and the Reddit alien today.
Selig has been hawking fun wallpapers for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS via the Apollo app since Reddit started down a dark path of hostile changes earlier this year and Selig shuttered the popular third-party Reddit client. He’s also selling the wallpapers outside the app.
Screenshot: Wes Davis / The Verge
Jul 22, 2023
Wes Davis
The r/place canvas expanded again early this morning, and protest messages are back.
And the German flag apparently expanded to fill the new space within under three minutes. How did they do it? According to Redditor HellsOnWheels45, a Discord server with 50,000 users in active coordination.
Also, protest messages have made a comeback on r/place after largely disappearing by Friday evening, with more “fuck spez’ messages near the center of the canvas.
Screenshot: Wes Davis / The Verge
Jul 22, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit expanded the r/Place canvas, and users immediately wrote messages cursing the CEO
Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge
Reddit added more space to the r/Place collaborative canvas on Friday, giving users additional room to collaboratively draw pixelated art. Almost immediately after the space was added, users started to write in their protests against the site and CEO Steve Huffman.
The expanded canvas now stretches further in both directions. When I first wrote this, there was a massive land grab taking place, including a spot memorializing the YouTuber Technoblade, the continuation of the German flag at the top of the canvas, a vertical French flag on the right side, and many iterations of the phrase “fuck spez,” a reference to Huffman’s username.
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Jul 21, 2023
Jay Peters
The r/Canning mods have been canned.
The moderators said they kept the sub private to protest Reddit’s API pricing after a community vote. But after getting some messages from the ModCodeOfConduct admin account pushing them to reopen, one mod said Friday they were removed from the subreddit.
“Please don’t feel bad for us — in the end, the ones being hurt here are Reddit itself and ther/Canningcommunity,” the moderator wrote.
The community now open again, in restricted mode, and under the sole management of ModCodeOfConduct, like what I reported about r/malefashionadvice on Thursday. ModCodeofConduct is also the only moderator of r/homeautomation.
Reddit takes over one of the biggest protesting subreddits
Jay Peters
Jul 21, 2023
Elizabeth Lopatto
What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing?
Photo illustration by William Joel / The Verge | Photo by Greg Doherty / Variety via Getty Images
One of the weirder phenomena of the low interest rate era in tech was a tendency to see companies primarily as investments. The goal was not to have a functional business, but an exit, often via IPO or acquisition. I have begun to wonder if that explains what Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has been up to lately.
Before the Sturm und Drang of the Reddit protests, Huffman had been feeling some heat. Fidelity, an investor that led Reddit’s 2021 funding round valuing the company at $10 billion, sliced Reddit’s valuation by 41 percent; its stake, which it spent $28.2 million to acquire, was now only worth $16.6 million.
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Jul 21, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit takes over one of the biggest protesting subreddits
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge
Reddit is now in charge of r/malefashionadvice, which for a time was the biggest subreddit still closed in protest of the platform’s API pricing changes. The subreddit is now open, meaning Reddit users can browse content in the community once again, though in a restricted mode, meaning only certain users can make new posts.
As we reported last week, the moderators of r/malefashionadvice, a subreddit with than 5 million subscribers, had taken the community private and were pushing its users toward Discord and Substack instead. At the time, the moderators expected to be removed after receiving a message from a Reddit admin (employee), ModCodeofConduct, telling them they would be replaced if they didn’t reopen.
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Jul 20, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit actually shared a time lapse of some of the r/Place art today.
Even though the canvas is littered with messages cursing CEO Steve Huffman, Reddit still posted a video of its evolution. If Reddit decides to take the video down, I’ve been adding screenshots of the canvas throughout the day to this article.
Jul 20, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit’s r/Place is going about as well as expected
Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge
Reddit officially launched the 2023 edition of its r/Place collaborative art project on Thursday morning, and it’s littered with messages protesting Reddit and Reddit’s CEO. You can see the current iteration of the canvas on the r/Place subreddit or by following the prompt at the top of the app. (Note that you can’t access r/Place on Old Reddit; you’ll need to be on New Reddit or one of the company’s mobile apps.)
In r/Place, individual users can drop a single pixel of color every five minutes on a huge canvas, including overriding other pixel placements if you want to try and claim some turf. In the utopian version of this idea, r/Place becomes an ever-changing piece of art where users work together to draw all sorts of pixelated images in one giant collage.
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Jul 20, 2023
Jay Peters
There’s already a subreddit to plan r/Place protest art.
The more than 300 subscribers on r/PlaceAPI are batting around ideas for protest art for the 2023 r/Place canvas that’s launching on Thursday.
In Reddit terms, that’s a comparatively tiny community, but they’re not the only ones thinking about how to use r/Place to share their discontent: a lot of people on Reddit’s announcement post are discussing ideas, too.
Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time
Jay Peters
Jul 19, 2023
Jay Peters
Reddit is now inviting mods to participate in weekly ‘feedback sessions’
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge
Reddit has had something of a contentious relationship with many of its moderators as of late, but now, the company is trying to make amends. A Reddit admin (employee) identifying themselves as the company’s VP of community reached out to moderators through a new post on Wednesday, inviting them to participate in things like weekly feedback sessions, an accessibility feedback group, and in-person moderator road shows.
Reddit and many moderators have been at odds since the June protests over API pricing changes that ultimately forced some third-party apps to shut down. At one point, more than 8,000 communities went dark in protest, but as the protests wore on, Reddit began sending messages to moderators pushing them to reopen, and in an interview, CEO Steve Huffman characterized moderators as “landed gentry.” Reddit’s pushback largely worked, and now, just under 2,000 subreddits remain dark, according to the Reddark tracker.
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Reddit protest updates: news on the apps shutting down and Reddit’s fights with mods (2025)
Table of Contents
The Reddit app-pocalyse is here: Apollo, Sync, and BaconReader go dark
Reddit’s replacement mods may be putting its communities at risk
One surviving Reddit app plans to charge based on how much you use it
Three big Reddit communities are no longer focused on John Oliver
Reddit is closing r/Place ‘until we meet again’
Here’s how to watch the evolution of Reddit’s r/Place canvas — including its protest art
Reddit is testing ‘official’ labels for profiles and making parts of its app compatible with screen readers
Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now
Reddit expanded the r/Place canvas, and users immediately wrote messages cursing the CEO
Reddit takes over one of the biggest protesting subreddits
What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing?
Reddit takes over one of the biggest protesting subreddits
Reddit’s r/Place is going about as well as expected
Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time
Reddit is now inviting mods to participate in weekly ‘feedback sessions’
- https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/06/us/menendez-brothers-timeline/index.html#:~:text=May 2023: In the Peacock docuseries “Menendez + Menudo: Boys
- https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements#:~:text=It happened: popular third-party Reddit apps like Apollo, Sync, and
- https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/6/14/23760738/reddit-blackout-explained-subreddit-apollo-third-party-apps#:~:text=Technology. The ongoing and increasingly weird Reddit blackout, explained.
- https://www.techradar.com/news/the-end-of-reddit-heres-why-most-of-the-site-is-down-and-what-happens-next
- https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/12/tech/reddit-blackout/index.html#:~:text=Thousands of Reddit forums are going dark Monday in one
- https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/16/tech/reddit-blackout-fight/index.html#:~:text=The Reddit blackout continues. More than 6,000 Reddit forums went
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach
Birthday: 1998-12-02
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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.