Best Y Level for Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 (2024)

Although so much has been added to Minecraft throughout the years, the fundamentals of this game remains the same – it is all about mining. Seeing as this is literally in the name, players will need to get to grips with life inside the caves, surrounded by monsters. Whilst you may not like the sound of that, there is the option that could be more of a suicide mission than the first – mining straight down. Both can end in tears, which is why when you set off on your adventure, be sure to have as little items in your inventory as possible. There are various methods you can take to mining Ores in Minecraft, but one of the most rare to find and still being one of the best to craft with in the game for your gear is the Diamond. This is Vincent’s guide on the best Y Level to farm Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20.

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Where to Farm Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 – Y Level Guide

Minecraft 1.20 sticks to the fundamentals of mining, this is that you will need a Pickaxe and the hope that you will find tons of Diamonds on your run. Whilst you may wish to bring along a Bucket and Sword to defend and increase your survival chances out in the depths, these are determined by the route you choose to take when mining. You can either head straight to a cave that you have previously discovered or opt for the digging straight down method. Keep in mind that the digging down can result in falling into a chamber or ravine of a cave system, likely resulting in your demise. Regardless on what you pick as both are viable options, you will want to have an Iron Pickaxe on you as the bare minimum. Of course, it is best to have on you an Enchanted Diamond Pickaxe but if you are just getting started this likely will not be possible.

When choosing which route down you want to take, you need to aim for the Y Levels between -53 to -64. From -53 you will find that this route is relatively safe, you should be able to dig down in a straight line with ease and head to your Y Level goal of -53 to start your digging expedition for Diamonds. Alternatively, going to -64 also has great chances of finding Diamonds but there is that greater risk of danger with lava pools and monsters. Either way, having a Bucket on you will save you from a miserable death, especially if you die with Diamonds on you.

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Efficient Methods of Mining Diamonds

Once you have gone to either -53 or -64 Y Level, you can try multiple efficient methods to mine. These are, to mine within a giant square radius of 50-100 blocks in width. Once you have created one seamless path with 4 corners, stand at the corner and walk sideways one-way left or right by two blocks. Start mining in a straight line to the other side of the square you cut out. You need to mine in a straight line every two blocks across. You will end up with many aisles that you have dug through in your search for Diamonds.

Another method of mining is to face the wall you wish to start mining through. Place a Trapdoor against the wall and close it. Then crouch underneath it and dig one block out in front of you in the wall that you want to mine. You want it to be the block that you are facing rather than the block above or underneath you. Then, remove the Trapdoor, putting it back in your inventory. Now, still crouched, move into the empty space that you removed with the Pickaxe. From here you can start mining in a straight line. With every two blocks you can begin mining left or right, creating a form of grid in your search for Diamonds. This technique increases visual efficiency as you can see Ores clearer by destroying 4 blocks at a time rather than 3.

We hope this guide on digging for Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 was helpful. For more on the latest gaming guides, from Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto to Diablo 4 and Ragnarok Origins, see our GJ articles here. Thank you for reading.

Best Y Level for Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 (2024)


Best Y Level for Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20? ›

Therefore, the best Y level for mining diamonds is – 59, the layer right above the bedrock. If you are interested in the rarer diamond ore block variant, it generates in the stone levels, so from 0 to 16. You are most likely to find it in layers where deepslate starts to show up, so from Y level 8 to 0.

Which Y level is best for diamonds? ›

While you'll find diamond ore anywhere from Y-level -16 and below, the best Y level to mine diamonds is anywhere between Y-level -53 to Y-level -61. In terms of the optimum layer level? You're best off heading down to Y-level -53 to find the most diamonds in Minecraft.

What y level is diamonds 2024? ›

You can mine at slightly higher levels. However, it is recommended to mine for Diamonds between levels Y:-53 and Y:-59, as you will likely find many veins of Diamond Ore between these levels.

What y level does diamond generate? ›

Diamond ore generation occurs in three batches: 7 blobs of 1-5 ores per chunk, from Y=14 to Y=-63. There is a 50% chance to not generate an ore block if it is next to air. 1 blob of 1-23 ores every 19 chunks, from Y=14 to Y=-63.

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Mining layers

Can be found between y=-16 and 112, but is most common at y=48.

Do diamonds still spawn at Y level 12? ›

Now players can dig even further underground without hitting bedrock. Usually, Diamond is found under layer 12, but now if you get to these -Y levels, the odds of finding diamond significantly increase: -50, -64, -59, and -58.

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The most diamonds spawn at y-level -59, but we recommend y-level -53 as the best level to find Minecraft diamonds in 1.21 to keep yourself safe from lava while mining. This applies to both Java and Bedrock edition.

Where do diamonds spawn? ›

Diamonds can be found anywhere beneath layer 16, but is most common in layers 5-12 in version 1.17. 1 and below; in versions 1.18 and later they are expected to be most common between layers -50 to -64.

What is the Y coordinate for diamonds? ›

After the 2022 update of Minecraft's ore generation, diamonds can be found at y level 14 to -63 instead of y:12 in underground caves and mines.

What is the best Y level for diamonds 1.18 2? ›

The best level to find them is -58 as it won't have any bedrock blocks, reducing the chance of finding the ore, and it will yield the most amount as they are common at the bottom of the overworld.

What is the best Y level for Netherite? ›

Ancient debris is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, due to it being a source of netherite scraps and thus netherite ingots. It is found in the Nether most commonly at Y=15, although mining at lower levels is safer due to lower risk of mining into a lava ocean.

What depth is best for diamonds? ›

Also, depth is deemed acceptable within a certain range, with any value between 56.5 and 65 percent considered good. However, the ideal depth is between 62.9 and 59.5 percent. For those of us also looking to get the largest size out of a diamond, depth matters in terms of where the weight of the stone is located.

What grade is the best for diamonds? ›

The highest clarity rating for diamonds is Flawless (F). Flawless diamonds have no inclusions or blemishes visible under 10X magnification when examined by a qualified diamond grader.


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