Best Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (2025)

It is important to know the best Senran Kagura games before deciding on buying them. The series of games revolves around high-flying girls of Shinobi. It is widely known for its fighting mechanics and its gratuitous depictions of ninja girls in different forms of undress. The game has over two dozen characters involved in buxom battle and sexy martial arts action. Here are some of the best Senran Kagura games available in the market today. Also, check out the best star ocean games here.

  1. Senran Kagura: Peach BallBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (1)

Peach Ball is a pinball game developed for the Nintendo Switch. The game is set during a fighting tournament that has characters such as Asuka, Yumi, Murasaki and Ryona in attendance. Just like the regular pinball game, players use shoulder buttons to move flippers while the analog sticks are used to nudge the table. Players can either choose a Peach Land table or an Oshinobi Yuenchi table. The theme for Peach Land is an amusement park while Oshinobi Yuenchi’s theme is a haunted Japanese shrine.

  1. Shinobi Master Senran Kagura: New LinkBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (2)

New Link is a mobile-based card battling game made for Android and iOS devices in Japan. It introduces new characters such as Kasumi and Misaki, from the Dead or Alive series. Unlike other Senran Kagura games, you’re not able to actually control characters in the game. You’ll watch your team battle and gain victory strategically. You’re given the role of training the different Shinobi such that they can attain the highest honour in the world of Shinobi.

  1. Senran Kagura: ReflexionsBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (3)

This is a romance adventure game developed for the Nintendo Switch. It is a spin-off title for an ecchi dating game called Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura and was released in November 2017. The game uses an HD Rumble feature that allows players to receive feedback from jiggle physics. Moreover, it has several characters and gives you a chance to enjoy a reflexology experience with a special girl.

  1. Senran Kagura: New WaveBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (4)

New Wave is a mobile-based card battling game made for Android and iOS devices in Japan. The game earned its popularity in a crossover promotion with DrawGirls. The player is tasked with the role of a ninja instructor to help fellow female ninjas and train them when you happen to come across them. It starts with an introduction into the shinobi world for the player to familiarize the mechanics of the game. The game’s starter deck includes Hanzo Shinobi, Kisaragi, Chihaya and two Ikaruga cards. New players are advised to try the story mode first before they can continue with other modes in the game.

  1. Senran Kagura BurstBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (5)

This is the first game in the Senran Kagura series. It was released in 2012 and a year later for the global market. It is an action game that gives the player control of five female ninjas. The more your enemies damage your female ninjas, the more clothes are torn off their body. As the game improves, the characters level up and gain new moves and abilities. Also, you can unlock new achievements, music, costumes and artwork. The game has five chapters, each containing several missions that the player is set to undertake. Moreover, there are side missions available for your characters to participate in.

  1. Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit!Best Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (6)

This is a cooking-based rhythm game developed for the PS Vita derived from the Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus game. The game has three main modes: The story mode, arcade mode and free mode. In addition, it has three levels of difficulty, which are Easy, Normal and Hard. Story Mode has almost the same plot as Shinovi Versus Girl’s Heart missions. Each character in the game has an individual storyline unveiled in the course of five cooking battles. Players are given a chance to choose their character’s story, and this determines the type of battle you will engage in.

  1. Senran Kagura 2: Deep CrimsonBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (7)

Deep Crimson is an action game made for the Nintendo 3DS. It has a different gameplay compared to the previous titles. The game involves pair battles which allows another character to fight alongside your character. The player is given control over the other character and has the power to issue commands. Also, players can customize the playable characters accessory size, outfits, position and hair colour to their liking. Another functionality added in the game is Augmented reality functionality. Moreover, you can pose the playable characters against real-life background in different poses. It is the first game to introduce the first playable male character.

  1. Senran Kagura Shinovi VersusBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (8)

It is the direct sequel to Senran Kagura Burst. The game has an expandable playable character and incorporates online multiplayer mode. Its storyline mainly centers around three female ninjas from duelling schools. It revisits the conflict between Hanzo Academy ninjas and the rival Hebijo Girls Academy. A third faction, the Gessen Girls Academy, is added in the game. The schools take part in a competition known as the Shinobi Battle Royale. In the competition, competing teams invade one another. The winning team is given the right to burn down their enemy school to the ground.

  1. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach SplashBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (9)

Peach Beach Splash is a third-person shooter developed for PS4 and Microsoft Windows. A battle unfolds at a midsummer festival consisting of more than 30 girls. The game has several side missions that the player is set to undertake. In 5-vs-5 Team battles, you’re encouraged to aim for the chest and buttocks and drench your enemy in water. Furthermore, players are allowed to customize their characters and water gun.

  1. Senran Kagura: Estival VersusBest Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (10)

Estival Versus is a 3D Action Brawler game developed for PS4 and PS Vita. It is the seventh instalment in the Senran Kagura game series. The game introduces five new characters, three previously unplayable characters and four guest characters. The total number of characters in this game is 34. It has a mission-based gameplay of which players can start a mission from the beach menu by getting changed. Each character is given her own style of martial arts to defeat enemies.

Best Senran Kagura games - The Red Epic (2025)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.